Home News GEL 13,108 mln Entered State Budget as Result of Auctions Held at Economy Ministry on June 21

GEL 13,108 mln Entered State Budget as Result of Auctions Held at Economy Ministry on June 21


An auction was held at the Ministry of Economy Development of Georgia on June 21, at which 10 facilities were put on sale. Proposals were submitted on 6 facilities, as a result of which GEL 13,108 mln entered State Budget.


90 % of shares under the state ownership in JSC ‘Sakhydroenergomsheni' were sold for USD 7,16 mln. The company owns administrative building (3003 m2) located at #50, Chavchavadze Ave. Main activity of ‘Sakhydroenergomsheni' is construction of power and hydraulic engineering objects and installation of their equipment. Under conditions of the auction, the winner is responsible for finishing of rehab works of ‘Engurhesi'.


100% of shares under the state ownership in Ltd ‘Hydroproject' were sold as well. Natural person paid USD 2 mln, 60 thousand for the object evaluated for USD 2 mln.


Buildings with plots of land (total space 22 868 m2) located on vicinity of Tbilisi -Red Bridge highway and ‘Dossapi' in Rustavi region was sold for USD 3 382 000.


Owners of several other objects were revealed on June 21 as well.

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