Home News Foreign Company Interest Rise Toward Georgian Constructing Sector

Foreign Company Interest Rise Toward Georgian Constructing Sector


International building exhibition GeorgiaBuild 2007 was opened today in Tbilisi. Georgia hosts the exhibition, which will last for 3 days, for the forth time., its size is increased by. Its organizer, Iteca Kavkasia (ITE Group Plc exclusive partner in Georgia), mentions rise in scale by 20%, compared with last year.


More than 50 companies from 13 countries (Azerbaijan, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, etc.) are presented at the exhibition. Austrian, Czech, French and Iranian companies are participating for the first time. Georgian companies are represented by Sasco, GRC and Design Avenue. Last year 44 companies from 11 countries participated in the exhibition, out of which 20 were presented for the first time.


Exhibition presents building materials, heating and ventilation systems, constructing devices and accessories, furniture, etc.


The event is supported by Economic Development Ministry, Georgian National Investment Agency, Tbilisi City Hall, Business Federation, Architects Union and Builders Federation.


Constructing is one of the most dynamically growing sector, assisted by other economic branches development (processing companies, tourist infrastructure, communication system building), Vano Nakaidze, deputy minister of economic development, said at the exhibition opening.


If the construction made up 7% of GDP last year, it is expected to increase up to 10% to the end of the current year. The volume of capital investments made up 1.1 billion lari in 2006, exceeding figures of 2005 by 67%, Nakaidze noted.

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