Home News Georgia to Sign Memorandum Calling for same Conditions for US and Georgian Air Companies with US

Georgia to Sign Memorandum Calling for same Conditions for US and Georgian Air Companies with US


The Georgian delegation will sign a cooperation memorandum wit the US during its visit in Washington D.C. on June 19-21.


The memorandum places Georgian and US companies under similar conditions and calls for making regular, charter, transit and domestic flights.


However, local officials of air companies doubt the effectiveness of the memorandum.


According to the Georgian Airways, even though procedures for travel of citizens will be simplified, the flights to the US will not be made anyway.


Transatlantic flights of the scale are made by 300-place Boeing type planes and claim more funds for technical maintenance.


Akaki Sanikidze, head of the Airzena marketing department, says that making such flights for US air companies will be less profitable at the stage, therefore they will not be much interested in that.


Sanikidze says for local air companies it is more comfortable to make transit flights to US cities made from every spot of Europe, which claims less expenses.


Irakli Taktakishvili, head of the Transport Regulation Administration, says under the agreement Georgia becomes the center for air communications in the South Caucasus.

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