Home News Agrarian committee to mind postponing of control on Imported Foodstuff

Agrarian committee to mind postponing of control on Imported Foodstuff


Agrarian committee has objected today the amendments in bills “On Plant Protection from Harmful Organisms”, “On Safeness and Quality of Foodstuff” and resulting laws. The amendments envisage postponing of control on imported foodstuff to December 31, 2009, while under the acting law the terms were defined to January 1, 2006.

The government undertakes responsibility on possible results in case of amendments adoption. It explains the necessity of amendments by lack of efficient control in customs and trade network.

Control will only refer to production, produced in countries, where the cases of plant and animal diseases were revealed. The same time, control on agrarian markets, educational institutions, swimming pools, water supplying systems and medical institutions will be carried out in case if diseases are spread in neighboring countries.

During consideration of the draft, members of committee expressed their claims to the Service of Foodstuff Safeness, Veterinary and Plant Protection, body of Agriculture Ministry. As MPs mention, supervision, control and monitoring of such decease is exactly the functions of this service.

The service, founded in April 2006 on basis of several structures, including sanitary service, phyto-sanitary service and veterinary department, operates since June 2006.

As MPs say, the existence of “such monster” contradicts international conventions. The staff of the structure amounts to 320 employees and it is funded by 4.3 million lari, MPs note.

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